Saturday 24 October 2015

2 Corinthians 2:4

"For I wrote to you out of much affliction and anguish of heart and with many tears, not to cause you pain but to let you know the abundant love that I have for you".

This verse of Paul's gospel to the Corinthians just about clears up the common misconception of spreading gospels. It is not out of haughtiness or self importance that we spread Christianity. It is not for the sake of elevation or dominance. It is because we believe Christianity to be a necessity of life, and we want to save as many people as possible. It is anguishing to see people without Christ.

To be honest, the worst way I can curse someone is to prevent Christianity from reaching that person, and then hope that it will cause the person to burn in hell. This idea is so terribly evil, I do not wish it on anyone. It takes a lot of hatred to withhold Christianity from someone. Paradoxical?

And what about the people who harness Christianity for power? Of course there are such rotten people. But anyone can take the Christianity label and attach it to the front of their shirt. The word "Christian" gets thrown around too much. Who is or is not a Christian is not for people to judge. It is not for me to judge either. But I know for a fact selfish intentions are discouraged in the Bible, and that abusive power is not at all Christian-like.

Okay, even with good intentions, how does that make it okay to force the gospel on anyone? Are we not all entitled to making our own decisions? Consider a parent and a child. You want your child to have choices, yet you want your child to make the right decisions, even if disagreement makes your relationship go awry. If you really cared about these people, you would do your very best to make sure these people accept the right decision. In this case, the ticket to heaven (as well as the ticket out of hell, if that makes Christ any more desirable).

Then there are the various degrees in which people try. There are those who nag like a mother. Then there are those who utilize brutal force. The ones you probably want to ask about are the violent ones. Do they not demonstrate anger from religion? I suppose "anger" is not the best word. "Frustration" is more fitting. The day everyone stops fighting will be the day everyone no longer cares about each other. Not that this justifies such behavior, but life is full of paradoxes.

At least you now know that someone cares about you. When that person stops nagging you, that is when you should be worried.

But the most important question you want answered is: how do we know that Christ is indeed the ticket to heaven? First consider Fermat's Last Theorem. It is complicated enough in itself. There are relatively simpler ways to explain the theorem's proof, but if you must chase every step of logic it takes more than one hundred pages of hardcore mathematics to prove it (understatement).

Then consider God. God is immeeeeense. If you must know the details to the proof of God, you actually have a better chance understanding the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. So nobody has proven God huh? In this particular context, not a proof that I know of. But people were not too daft after all for believing in Fermat's Last Theorem, which turns out to be true. Am I too daft for believing in God?

I will not deny that I secretly (not so secretly anymore) hope for people to change their minds from reading my posts, but only because I believe that people need Christ. It is not as if I get recognition for converting my readers. My name is not splashed all over this blog. Not that I even have followers. But I do hope that this gets to the meager readers that I have.

Know that just as how Paul wrote to Corinth, I write to you out of much affliction and anguish of heart and with many tears, not to cause you pain but to let you know the abundant love that I have for you.

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