Saturday 17 October 2015

Proverbs 3:5

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding".

How blind is that, to accept something without questioning? For someone like me going into the science major this sounds like the worst advice ever. But I must say, there is some profound truth behind this.

First of all this verse does not specifically tell us not to question. We can doubt all we like, as long as we get the deed done. God likes to save the Q and A for later. Is it not the same with a lecture? Your question just might be answered before you ask it. Just listen and follow along, and everything will come clear at the end.

There is a common question among us all: why cannot God be clear and straightforward? Why the ambiguity? Why are there so many leaps of faith that require trust? If God could explain everything thoroughly, there would be no need to "trust in the Lord with all your heart". Is it too hard to do even that? There are two ways you can look at this:

1) Actually, if God were to unleash everything it would be too hard for us mortals to understand. Would God still be God if our understanding equalled His? Of course God is difficult to understand. The Bible is difficult to understand. Rather than spend an eternity comprehending, it is simpler to trust. God will let you know what you need to know.

2) If one were to know beforehand the terrible consequences of each and every way that is not God's way, one would complain "that leaves me no choice!". Is freedom not all the rage these days? We complain that God is too ambiguous, but if He were to constantly walk someone through life, it would make the average person flip. Where is my freedom? To keep us fretful mortals complacent it is much easier to not elaborate too much, and let us exercise our trust.

This is why He says: "Do this. Trust me. Your choice". At least, some reasons I can think of.

The bigger question for most people is: why trust God? Of all things, why something less tangible than thin air? Why God? If one must know, the only way is to get to know God Himself. I dare say I am only just getting to know Him even after all these years. I may be a fool for trusting God, but I would be a greater fool for trusting myself.

Then why is it wrong to rely on logic? It is only wrong when it is the only thing you rely on. But then why not, is science not all about logic and reasoning? Oh dear mortals, the wisest of you, from Confucius to Shakespeare, know themselves to be fools! We can have all the knowledge in the world but not have wisdom. Do you consider your wisdom superior to that of the Creator's? Do you make a decision because you trust God, or because you trust yourself? Once you think that you know everything, you will have made your worst mistake.

Maybe you are still doubtful and think me a fool. I have my doubts too, otherwise I must be some magical sage. God is as paradoxial as the world He has created, which our understanding fails at paradoxes. I cannot really answer why I would rather trust an invisible man in the sky than try to untangle a paradox. It only comes down to what you know about God. If God were a stranger to me, I would not understand why I should trust Him. I imagine it is the same for everyone.

If you insist on knowing why you should trust God, the best way is to get to know Him personally. And the best way to know God is to seek Him.

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