Sunday 14 February 2016

1 Timothy 2:1

"First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people,"

The current lifestyle in which I am living now permits little thought of others. Study, sleep, repeat. I am spinning with numbers and calculations; meanwhile my grandparents are ailing, my parents are tiring, my friends are wondering, peasants are struggling, leaders are stressing, wars are waging.. Prayer gives allows me to remember this world.

It is one of few moments which I lend time to take attention off of myself. There are so many in need, of anything. But you say, does prayer make any difference? Does it? On one end there is the all giving God, while on the other there is the skeptical human. God cannot force gifts into anyone's hands. Neither can I. So does it make a difference? Maybe. Potentially.

More than anything, prayer helps me give thanks regularly. And the more I pray for others, the more I know I take things for granted. The two focuses go hand in hand. So you know, it can never do harm to pray a little more.

But the highlight of this verse is in "for all people". For me, for you, for your favourite aunt, for the nasty old lady down the street, for kings, for beggars, for pals, for strangers, for victims, for victimizers.. we are all as hopeless as one another. What goes around comes around. You better pray that people make the right decisions each day, because it will come to you sooner or later.

I do have a thing for falling into a content rhythm. Humans are this way; we never think to pray, but when some havoc breaks loose we fall to the ground and start begging like there is no tomorrow. And when things restore themselves we fall into a content rhythm again. And so the cycle continues.

So I am adding more names to my list. Even if it takes up time I would have spent on other people, it is still worth having more people receive "the touch". Or maybe I ought to make more time, or pray for more time. Pray-ception. I live with myself so much that humans are becoming less human in my mind. Pray for me too~

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