Sunday 27 March 2016

Isaiah 40:31

"but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint"

Most people have at least one university acceptance by now. I have had two extremely difficult conditional offers, five rejections, and four more competitive decisions to hear from. I will have a place in Taiwan for sure, since I listed some twenty insurance choices.. and being the valedictorian too!

I had my doubts when applying: my parents, my counsellors, my peers.. they were all too optimistic. Mum opposed my choosing University of Manchester and University of Nottingham for their "low" ranking, yet I applied anyways. Ironically, those are the only two offers I hold now.

My peers are all drunk on senior-itis, and here I am still working my brains out for APs. I was hoping that I would receive one unconditional acceptance this month so that I can soothe my nerves, but I was not granted that. I suppose this is God's way of telling me to work harder.

Knowing that there are plans for me gives me the strength to study harder. What I manage to garner will not be in vain. If anything, it is the wait that gives me incentive to work, to prepare and anticipate what is to come.

It has been three intense months. Cramming two AP courses into four certainly was not easy. Looking at my practice now I am guaranteed a pass, but whether I meet any conditions is still up to the next month.

Studying in the UK might not be God's will; however unlikely, university might not even be God's will. Whatever happens, I will study harder, and wait until my future is revealed. I believe that all is for the best.

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