Sunday 27 March 2016


First find out about introspective.

softly cooing
round eyes
innocently searching
big in this nest
small in this world
genç çocuk
precious young
out there under the brutal sky
there will be persecution
and temptation and wickedness
but remember that
God loves you
küçük kuş
you are no longer little
but know that you are
a child of God
a peaceful soul
a dove

The Imagery

biiiiig round eyes

The Content

This piece goes in hand with Onna no Ko, having been written around August (back when I had the time to learn Turkish). I wrote this to my future self. Today is my eighteenth birthday, very fitting.

The diction I chose is not elaborate, and the flow more conversational. To capture pure simplicity, I suppose. Some day I will long for quiet life. Some day.

It is just as important to document optimism. Maybe the future me will look back on this and think myself naive, or maybe it will make the difference between moving on or stalling.

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